Friday, January 31, 2020
The Hidden Truth Behind Sweatshop Business in India Research Paper
The Hidden Truth Behind Sweatshop Business in India - Research Paper Example Gap which is a successful and high street brand which has sweatshop factories operating in India depicts the hidden truth and true prevailing conditions of the sweatshop business in India. Globalization has allowed multinational corporations to lower their costs by outsourcing as many functions as possible to low-wage countries (Ross 2010). It has also allowed these low-cost countries which are mostly located in Asia to attract these corporations for investment and employment. As long as these corporations bring in the required investment and provide for employment, the governments of these nations are willing to amend their laws for the benefit of these companies. One of the main reasons that these brands select a particular country for outsourcing is either because of favorable labor laws or an inefficient system for imposing these labor laws. In the case of China, the labor law bans trade unions and strikes which favor many companies. On the other hand, in the case of India an ine fficient system and corrupt law enforcement favors corporations to shift their production to benefit from child labor, low wages and exploitation of working conditions (Winston 2005, Ross 2010). The Indian government cannot afford to interfere with the operations of these multinational apparel brands since there is a chance that these companies may move their production to other competitive countries, like China, Cambodia, Bangladesh and Vietnam, where the laws and regulations are lax (Ross 2010). According to an estimate provided by United Nations, India employs around 55 million children, under the age of 14 years, and producing around 20% of India’s GDP (Foster 2007). India, along with Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, and Indonesia, is part of a low-wage, Big Asia bloc exporters of apparels to the United States and Europe. These countries account for 55 percent of the U.S. import market, which amounts to 95 percent of the U.S. apparel market (Ross 2010). The increasing trend of customers demanding low-cost, high-quality apparel has forced large apparel brands to outsource their production facilities to low-cost countries to stay competitive in terms of pricing, without compromising on profits. Companies such as Gap, Nike, Marks & Spencer, Primark, Next, Mothercare and Wal-Mart have been found involved in the exploitation of the workforce (Mail Online 2007, Winston 2005, Chamberlain 2010). The management of these large brands lobbies with powerful economic and political forces of their nations to promote imports from lower-cost countries by lifting import quotas on apparel (Winston 2005). Large brands like Gap have been found exploiting the Indian workforce more than once. The first case of exploitation was discovered in 2007 after which Gap had promised to put in extra effort to rid their factories of forced labor and exploitation. In 2010, however, Gap was again found involved in child-labor and exploitation activities in India (Foster 2007, Chamberlain 2010). Exploitation of workforce is only possible when both parties in an employment contract agree to the wage levels and working conditions. It is important to appreciate that poverty in India is widespread. According to a study, almost half of all children in India are malnourished (Foster 2007). This extreme poverty forces parents, living in poor localities, to either sell their children to contractors for work, in return for a better life and
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Architecture of the 1920s :: Architecture
ARCHITECTURE IN THE TWENTIES For the United States the Twenties was a time to flourish and enjoy the common wealth, but unlike everything else, architecture was in a creative slump. many artists were having difficulty in depicting a "style" for the new era. Many new technological advances were occuring through the steel industry and the discovery of glass. The architects of this period wanted to incorporate those advances in their designs, thus bringing forth an experimental period. With architects from different backgrounds and cultures working to produce a masterpiece the International Style was created. The International Style was the most common and wide-spread type of architecture found in the twenties. This style dominated architecture until about 1950. Buildings of this time were characterized as having "...geometric shapes, white walls , and a flat roof with a garden," ("Architecture ". World Book CD-ROM). They were constructed of reinforced concrete (concrete with embedded metal rods to add strength). Typical buildings had large windows, which created a light, airy feeling and the exterior had little or no ornamentation. ("Architecture". World Book CD-ROM). Architects were able to acheive the light airy feeling found in the buildings because of the new inventions of industrial materials and the technical advances. The 1920's brought forth many new technological advances. Builders could now use steel, iron, and glass. Alloys, or blended metals, were discovered and produced, and the elevator was invented. These new materials had great and long lasting influences on modern architecture and are still used today. Architects were able to use steel beams to reinforce concrete, allowing them to build taller structures, known as skyscrappers. Elevators were installed to replace stairs. A gradual modernization of technical systems took place. Plumbing and heating/cooling systems were improved and the use of electricity became more popular. ("Architecture". Grolier CD-ROM). For the architects of the 1920's "climate could be disregarded, for mechanical heating and cooling devices make a building independent of its region...". (Hamlin, 633) Because of these new advances architects were able to experiment with options they were never given before. Despite the difficulties and dry periods the archtects experienced in the twenties, a new style was born.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Conflict Reflection
University What makes an effective, moral, and efficient leader? Over the last several years in the workforce I have tried to learn what it takes to have strong leadership in the workforce. The way I see it leadership is made of many different parts which have been taken from many different areas. Things such as reading, training, and various programs that we have taken part in while in the workforce that are meant to enhance our leadership capabilities.Leadership from my perspective is made up of any different things such as being open minded, how we work and interact with others, being open to lifelong learning from any meaner, being a collaborator, having vision, and you must be willing to take risks when necessary. I have been working hard to become a better leader and feel like I make more and more progress all the time. I have learned that a key part of this is how you work with others. I have also learned that a definite key to to success it having characteristics such as inte grity, education, knowledge, skill, and determination.I am still learning and want to learn and improve more every day. Introduction: While preparing to do this paper I used a few different sources to complete the research that allowed me to complete this paper. I first read the text from the course, which lead me to the web sites kissers. Com and outfielders. Com/big five. I was able to take the information from these three sources to make a pretty accurate assessment of my leadership style, my strengths, and of my weakness. This information will help me to better understand and make a plan for me to become a better leader for the future.Test Result Kissers Style Sorter: When took the personality on the Kerrey website, my personality type was labeled as n idealist. I was not really sure that I agreed with this until I really sat down and read the assessment. When I reflected on what I though this meant I was not sure that this was a good or bad thing. I really though that this was not necessarily a good thing and was really beginning to doubt my abilities as a leader. After reading the assessment I realized that this was much more me that I ever really thought it could be.I believe that being an idealist can be considered and amazing strength. Being an idealist shows that I not only strive to develop myself but that I strive to be the best that I can be. In striving to be the best this also meaner wanting to help others. Others, and they want to help them reach their full potential in many area such as learning, counseling, social services, personal work, Journalism, helping others find their way, and helping them to reach their maximum potential. Idealists are also very ethical. In today's business environment all to often ethics continue to be an issue.It is very hard sometimes to determine the difference between right and wrong and choosing the hard right over the easy wrong. Idealists' still find a way to hold themselves to the highest standard of persona l integrity. Idealists are also very kind people who show love and good will to most all people. They believe in being warm and giving to others, this leads to good friendly and loving relationships. They are one of the smallest populations and a very rare group only making up 15 to 20 percent of the population.Big Five Personality Test When I took the Big Five Personality Test, one of the strengths that I found was in the area of conscientiousness. When I scored a 78 in this area and was very proud of that. There are many things that I would love to say that I have strengths in, and this is definitely one of them. I would to think that I and reliable and self-disciplined and this assessment showed me that I truly am. As I went through these assessments I realized that there are many areas that I could use some growth in.I will not say that I was not shocked by some of them but seeing as how I answered the questions very honestly I figure that they must be pretty honest results. I r eally had in some of the areas sort off hard pill to swallow but I have done so and hope to use forward and use this to my advantage. On the Big Five assessment the score showed I was extremely closed minded, and his came as a shock to me. I always considered myself to be a person who was open to new ideas and new experiences. I now can see with the way that answered these questions that that must not be the case.I now know that I need to start looking at things and thinking about them before I make a final decision. I need to learn that I should not Just have the attitude that it is my ideas or my way or nothing. This attitude can be a big turn of to all of those who I work with, whether they are above or below me. I also was truly shocked to find out that this assessment show me to be an introvert. I had always considered myself to be an extrovert, this is the third time I have taken an assessment that has show me to be Just the opposite.This is something that I definitely need to work on and I am not even sure how to fix it, as I don't really see it. I guess how I can grow in this and the previous area is Just to sit down and talk frankly with those that I work with. I can pose the issue to them and assure them that I would like them to address this subject freely so that I am able to correct the issue and move forward. If I do not find away to address and correct these issues it will have a great impact n how effective that I am in my Job. If people think that I am closed minded and introverted they will never want to approach me.If I people perceive me to be unapproachable and closed off this could lead to issues that need to be address being put on the back burner. This could lead too lack of productivity and an unhealthy work environment. Overall I found these results to be shocking. Some of the areas on the assessment ultimately I am happy with the results because I may have otherwise never seen where these weaknesses lie. This helped me to see that I have both strengths and knees and how I can impact both sides for the positive.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Peculiarities of Race and Ethnicity in the Southern...
Racial peculiarities are the biggest obstacles in southern colonies. Differences in race continue to be problematic in the south. David Fisher Albion’s Seed, Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia and William Byrd’s Aborigines express the different outlooks Indians and African Americans face in comparison to the White settlers. Southern settlers viewed themselves as a superior race. Southerners considered other ethnicities as being civilized in their own habitat. Different physical features played a role. Different morals of the Native Americas played a part in the way white settlers viewed them. Native Americans had a unique outlook on life. The native tribes communicated to each other in different languages. Jefferson†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, White Virginians and Native inhabitants differed in their morals. Natives are not as repugnant as their generally described when comparing themselves against the first settlers. The first sett lers took the Natives hospitality for granted. Settlers treated the Indians as second-class. Virginians thought that they were far from being Christians. According to Byrd, â€Å"Morals and all considered, I can’t think the Indians were much greater Heathens than the first Adventures, who, had they been good Christians, would have had the charity to take this only method of converting the Natives to Christianity.†(William Byrd, History of the Dividing Line, p.3). Morals differ when dealing with a specific culture. Factors differ in material and cultural circumstances. William states, â€Å"The principle difference between one People and another proceeds only from the different opportunities of Improvement.†(William Byrd, History of the Dividing Line, p.120). Race slavery did not create the culture of the southern colonies that culture created it. Ultimately, that shows that morals were completely different because southerner did not consider slavery as being wro ng. Whites in the south considered slaves as a piece of property. In the eyes of White southern settlers they were superior of all races. They considered any other ethnicity as second class. Since Indians and African Americans were not brought up how whites were they were inhumane.Show MoreRelatedInfluence of Immigration on the American Culture and Language14362 Words  | 58 Pagesstudents at the history, English and geography classes. Also the facts we provide would be useful for all those who are interested in this country or who are going to visit it in order to prevent different problems caused by ignorance of inherent peculiarities of the USA. In our scientific work we have examined some books, journals, internet sites providing profound analyses of American history, culture, population, and some newspaper and magazine articles devoted to the culture of the country. UsingRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPerspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th JohnRead MoreRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words  | 179 Pagesand natural rather than the result of an unjust structuring of society. Throughout history, people have used a variety of biological, religious, and cultural arguments to justify racism, and to call other groups backward and incapacitated by their race. For example, in Nicaraguan legislation just a century ago, the inhabitants of the Autonomous Regions were defined as savages, and â€Å"hispanization†was promoted to â€Å"civilize†them. Racism is a phenomenon that throughout the processes of colonization
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