Sunday, May 17, 2020
To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay - 791 Words
Drama, deception, doubt, and death lace the pages of To Kill a Mockingbird, created masterfully by Harper Lee. From a rousing court case to a reclusive neighbor, challenging situations wait at every turn. How individuals handle these circumstances depends on their qualities. Lee portrays many diverse characters in this novel. While some become uncertain and crumble under the pressure of tough situations, others force themselves unfalteringly through. Some measure up, but others fall short. Although many characters presented in To Kill a Mockingbird display notable qualities, the steadiness of Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Reverend Syke shines through. Atticus demonstrates noticeable equanimity throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. When tough†¦show more content†¦However, even then she declared: â€Å"Always wanted a smaller house†¦Gives me more yard†¦Why, I hated that old cow barn. Thought of setting fire to it a hundred times myself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (73). Instead of appearing devastated, she acted genuinely glad; however, it surely posed a challenge to grow accustomed to living with someone else, requiring considerable emotional stability. In addition, another demonstration of her dependability arises in chapter 24 when Miss Stephanie Crawford instigates quizzing Scout about if she plans to become a lawyer; however, with a touch from Miss Maudie, Scout responds that she simply desires to become a lady. Miss Stephanie replies that Scout must begin wearing dresses more often if she plans on that; â€Å"Miss Maudie’s hand closed tightly on mine, and I said nothing†(230). The gentle equanimity of Miss Maud ie helps Scout remain composed, as well as herself when struggles arise. Reverend Syke exists as a third person who exhibits evident steadiness. Amid a crisis, he remains reliable without stumbling. For example, in chapter twelve when Calpurnia ushers Jem and Scout with her to church, Reverend Syke preaches passionately, greets them graciously, and kindly collects money for Tom’s family, although the case concerning Tom Robinson weighs heavily on his mind (121-123). However, he pushes on, steady in his faith and his focus, rather than allowing the circumstances to rule his behavior. Another display ofShow MoreRelatedTo Kill a Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay763 Words  | 4 PagesEssay Prompt: In a 1-2 page character analysis, explain what makes Atticus such a good parent, using quotes and evidence from the text to back up your claims. The Most Memorial Parent In 2003, the American Film Institute chose Atticus Finch, a respectful, dignity attorney from To Kill a Mockingbird, as the greatest hero in 100 years of film history. Harper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird in the 1960s and it immediately received huge acclaims from readers throughout the world. In the novelRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay711 Words  | 3 Pages In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, she writes about what it’s like to live in a small town around the 1930s. Lee tells the story of life in the town of Maycomb through the eyes of an innocent girl named Scout. Scout and her brother, Jem, go through many events together over the three years that the book takes place such as meeting Dill, getting presents from Boo Radley, learning about the people in their neighborhood, and going to school, just to name a few. By using a child as the narratorRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay869 Words  | 4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, is a book that takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. It is about a young girl, Scout, and her brother, Jem, learn about the racial and social ranks in society at the time of the Great Depression through struggle and events that occur throughout the book. 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Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) is one such book. This story of discrimination may just alter the way we all view ourselves, others and the world we live in. Set in the 1930s throughout the Great Depression in South Alabama, the novel allows us all to come to the disturbing realisation that this novel remains as apt today as it did when it was first written 57 years agoRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay816 Words  | 4 PagesIn Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the main themes is not to judge others if you do not actually know them. In the book there are several times that an individual or many people will judge someone based on what they have heard from others. The main character Scout and he r brother Jem are taught from an early age by their father Atticus not to conclude your thoughts of a person without getting to understand them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
In James Rachels’ Book, The Elements Of Moral Philosophy,
In James Rachels’ book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, he explains many things in the ninth chapter. He made statement about philosopher who decided the absolute moral rules. It explains in the beginning, there’s no definite answer for moral rules. Again, it’s about belief, cultural, tradition etc. Truman decision of dropping the bomb created conflict, some disagree and others agree. Categorical imperative and hypothetical imperative are explained with Kant’s conceptive on lying. His argument about lying is back with universal law. There’s conflict among Kant’s argument, there might be situation where lying might be necessary. Kant believe in responsibility of telling the truth but not the lie. In summary, in this chapter, Rachels uses†¦show more content†¦Because I think everyone had lie once in their lives or even a white lie. Cops can lie about being a cop to should a crime. An example was lying is necessary. Was it necessary for Truman to drop the bomb? Other wars and conflict had been won without dropping any bombs. Is there any correct form of moral rules? I read three quotes that caught my attention. â€Å"Note that moral judgement must be backed by good reasons-if it true that you ought (or might not) to do such-and-such, then there must be a reason why you should (or should not) do it,†(Rachels and Rachels pg.135) Moral judgement is classified in good reasons only. If a good reason is provided than it’s okay to do it. â€Å"The idea that moral rules have no exception is hard to defend,†(Rachels and Rachels pg.129) Moral rules are different in many ways, so little can influence the outcome. â€Å"At first Truman was reluctant to use the new weapon.†(Rachel and Rachel pg. 126) So, Truman didn’t like the idea of killing off people who were innocent. But with desperate measure, he made his mind up and agree. There are many things I found relatable in the ninth chapter. Per Kant, lying is wrong and shouldn’t be done. I know there’s many bad things in this world, but people still do it. I know my diet isn’t the best and my exercise effort isn’t that good either. Being healthy is overall a great challenge. Living in America, there’s countless people who don’t follow such a healthy lifestyle. My family tries living a healthyShow MoreRelatedPsychological Egoism662 Words  | 3 Pagesworld. In the world is not how psychological ego-ism says it is because someone acts unselfishly, then something is wrong with psycho-logical egoism. In my opinion this argument is completely wrong and unsound. According to James Rachel, an author of â€Å"Elements of Moral Philosophy,†there two main arguments exist against psychological egoism. The first argument can be formulated as such: 1) Everyone always does what they most want to do. 2) If everyone always does what they most want to do, theyRead MoreJohn Stuart Mill’s Theory of Utilitarianism1336 Words  | 5 Pagescan be examined morally using John Stuart Mill’s theory of Utilitarianism and the Greatest Happiness Principle (GHP) and Immanuel Kant’s Deontology and his Formula of Universal Law (FUL). I will also explain why Kantian Deontology works better as a moral theory in the case of Tom and Mary. In John Stuart Mill’s, â€Å"Utilitarianism,†Mill describes his theory as, â€Å"†¦ not something to be contradistinguished from pleasure, but pleasure itself, together with the exemption of pain (2001, p. 9).†What Mill isRead MoreIn James Rachels’ Book, The Element Of Moral Philosophy,858 Words  | 4 PagesIn James Rachels’ book, the Element of Moral Philosophy, he made interesting point in the fourth chapter. 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Is it ethical to abandon a genuine friendship due to a change in moral status, for better or worse, by eitherRead MoreThe Element Of Moral Philosophy By James Rachels1161 Words  | 5 Pages In the book, â€Å"The Element of Moral Philosophy†, James Rachels explores the several criticisms of Utilitarianism. In this essay, I will touch on these criticisms, outlining the major implications they propose to Utilitarianism. I will also explain why many of the notions proposed against Utilitarianism are self-serving, and instead serve to improve the general good of a minority population, which contradicts the Utilitarian theory of equating moral aptit ude to the general good of a majority populationRead MoreChapter 4 Of â€Å"The Elements Of Moral Philosophy†By James1908 Words  | 8 PagesChapter 4 of â€Å"The Elements Of Moral Philosophy†by James Rachels opens up by raising a question. Does morality hinge on religion and does religion then turn contingent to morality? In 1995, Judge Roy Moore was sued for having the Ten Commandments out in plain view on his desk. The American Civil liberties Union was called to act upon this infringement. The union stated that Judge Moore violated the first amendment, which states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religionRead MoreEmotivism1571 Words  | 7 Pagespossibility of moral facts. This shows the influence of David Hume (1711-1776), who believed that sentiment was the source of right and wrong. If you decide to help someone in need, you do so because you have feelings, not because you have reason. Hume believed in a common feeling for each other’s welfare. We all have a capacity for compassion, but it has nothing to do with reason. You can’t go from a factual statement (an ‘is’) to a moral one (an ‘ought). Logical positivism acknowledged that moral factsRead MoreEuthanasia Is The Act Of Killing Someone Painlessly1534 Words  | 7 Pagesissue which has been debated extensively within the diverse contexts of moral philosophy, religion and medical ethics. While it is interesting to note that different moral principles present equally valid arguments either in favor or against the problem of physician-assisted suicide, personal autonomyâ€â€that is, â€Å"the capacity to decide for oneself and pursue a course of action in one’s life, often regardless of any particular moral content†(Dryden)â€â€should ultimately permit a person to choose the optionRead MoreCultural Relativism1925 Words  | 8 PagesProblems with Cultural Relativism James Rachels discusses in his book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, the various problems that appear when analyzing the implications of cultural relativism. I will begin by explaining what cultural relativism is and the fallacy of the argument for it. Then, I will explain how other objections, such as an indefinite definition of culture and cultural relativism’s incompatibility with moral improvement, raise further problems with the theory. The cultural relativistRead MoreSweatshops and Child Labor1898 Words  | 8 Pagessweatshop workers work full time to support their families and provide food for them, which causes them to work in poor surroundings in which their lives are at jeopardy. Many of these workers are victims of what, according to James Rachels, the author of The Elements of Moral Philosophy, describes as â€Å"the minimum conception of morality†, this concept states that â€Å"morality is, at the very least, the effort to guide one’s conduct by reasonâ€â€that is, to do what there are the best reasons for doingâ€â€while giving
Transformational and Servant Leadership †
Question: Disscuss about the Transformational and Servant Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Proper leadership is extremely important component in achieving organization effectiveness. Proper leadership skills help in positioning executives to make thoughtful decisions about the mission and vision of the organization and accordingly allocate resources to achieve those directives. Different important leadership qualities have been provided by researchers over the years which are important in bringing success in the business domains. These are emotional stability, dominance, enthusiasm, social oldness, self assurance and compulsiveness. Different leadership styles have been proposed by authors over the years and have been followed by business stalwarts (Ansah Chinomona et al., 2015). While some are being criticized, some are highly appreciated. Transformational servant leadership are found to be the most beneficial forms of leadership as researches have shown high correlation of them with the organizational effectiveness and also job satisfaction of the employees who are foll owers of such leadership. The following assignment will mainly portray a literature review of the different interconnections of the traits of the leadership style with that of job satisfaction, business development, organization effectivity and many others. Impact of transformational leadership on employees: Transformational leadership helps in emphasizing intrinsic motivation and the development of all the employees working as teams under him. This mainly helps employees in getting an opportunity to explore new world of possibilities in their career and help them in elevating performance (Chanhoo et al., 2015). Such leadership helps the employees to fulfill their individual, organizational and also community potential to a highest extent. These become possible as they mainly encourage the team members to properly understand and align themselves with the goal of the group and also with theta of the organization as a whole. They mainly help in stimulating the followers efforts towards a path of innovation and creativity and also help them by inspiring them to commit themselves to a shared vision and shared goals of an organization. Servant leadership is one of the most appreciated forms of leadership style which is gaining appreciation in most of the organizations over the world (Barbutto Wheeler, 2006). This form of leaders usually follows a visionary role where leaders define the direction of the followers. These leaders mainly take it as a responsibility of themselves to communicate with the employees about what the organization stands for and the mission and vision of the organization. Servant leaders mainly feel that their role is mainly helping followers to achieve their goals along with the search of the factor which would help the employees to get success in their work (Harter, schimdt Hayes et al., 2002). Importance of the leadership styles: Transformational leaders are extremely important for organizational success and helps in establishing job satisfaction among the employees. A large number of attributes of this form of leadership ensures that the employees feel satisfied with their work and does not feel work stress and burdened with work. Researchers have described such leaders as heroic, decisive, vigorous as well as charismatic (Khattak et al., 2017). The foremost reason behind the use of the positive terms is the skillful motivation of the people working under him. Such leaders are found to use their belief in the vision of the company for providing inspiration to the staff to be more productive and work with the goal of meeting the companys objectives. They make it sure that all the employees are working on the same page with proper ideas to align with the corporate strategy and planning. When all the team members are on the same page with a proper corporate vision, it helps in achieving the vision easily and at a faster pace (Antonakis et al., 2012). Proper motivation makes the employees enthusiastic and help in development of zeal among them that makes the working environment very active and employees coordinate with each other successfully to reach a common goal. Lowering of turnover rates: Moreover, researchers are of the opinion that servant leadership is very much helpful in lowering employee as well as customer turnover rates. Leaders who follow both the servant and transformation leadership styles are able to develop an ability which helps in retaining employees and customers. This is because they are found to get fully engaged with people and help them to satisfy their needs and practice their rights along with the organizations needs. This helps the employees feel the sense of corporate fit and get assured about their stay with the company (Greenleaf et al., 1977). Less turnover rates are very much beneficial for the company as they help the company form wasting a huge amount of resources and funds from hiring again and training of the newly hired staffs. When such an efficient leader is found to interact with customers in the same, effective manner, he can retain many customers by potentially limiting the costs of constant marketing and capturing new consumers ( Hickman, 1998). Corporate learning: Another very important aspect of the transformational leadership and servant leadership is that it develops an environment of corporate learning. Each and every organization needs their employees to be well trained for effective outcomes. In this scenario, such leadership styles are of huge benefits as they take the charge of corporate learning. They do so by improving the outcomes of the existing employees and help their new employees in getting equipped to the working culture of the organization for effective work output. Researchers are of the opinion that a transformational leadership style brings increased effectiveness to the staffs by engaging them in corporate learning (Newman et al., 2017). This is an important advantage for any business. Not only that, such leaders are exceptionally good in culture building, providing intellectual stimulation as well as individual support that reduces job stress and increases dedication of the employee resulting in higher job performance an d greater productivity for the organization. Moreover these leaders also help the employees by helping them to know about how to model positive barriers and build positive visions. These in turn help the employees to meet the expectations of the employers without hampering their self confidence. Therefore corporate learning boosts the confidence of employees and increases job satisfaction, gives them scope for their planning for promotions and also help in releasing their job stress and job burden (Gyanchandani et al., 2017). Preferences of transformational leadership over transactional leadership: Transformational and servant leadership has been highly appreciated over many other types of leadership like that of the transactional leadership in many ways. While transactional leadership mainly helps in working within the systems, transformational leadership helps in working to change the system. While the former helps in solving challenges by mainly fitting the experiences to a known pattern, the later mainly solve challenges by finding experiences which exhibit the incapability of the old patterns which do not fit the work anymore (Melchar Bosco et al., 2010). While the former has a negative aspect of minimizing the variation of the organization, the later mainly maximizes the teams capability as well as capacity. Hence, researchers are of the opinion that organizations who have these leaders can reach the zenith of success much systematically. Requirements to be transformational leaders: Researchers have also helped the modern leaders to be accustomed with the important requirement that need to be harbored by them to be effective leaders for the future. They are of the opinion that such leaders should be very well organized and should expect their followers to be creative. They are team oriented and they should help their followers with strategies that would help them to work together for creating best possible results. They should be respected and in turn they should respect followers (Mgxaji et al., 2016). He mainly acts as the coach of the team and provides training and motivation helping the employees to reach their goals. They should be responsible for their teams and also instill the responsibility into team members. He should also engender respect by development of proper rapport and a proper personal influence. They should be possessing excellent communication ideas and should be well practiced in balancing short term visions and long term goals. One of the m ost important aspect that is also noticed among the servant leaders are that they help in building strong coalition and also help in establishing mutual trust among each other. They also possess high integrity and also have high emotional intelligence which helps them to develop empathy and mutual trust (Bourdage et al., 2017). Individualized consideration attribute of transformational leadership: One of the main aspects of transformational leadership is the individualized consideration. It mainly states the importance of the leaders for individual analysis of the followers. Researchers are of the opinion that when such leaders are trying to include their followers into the transformation process in an organization, they need to consider the wish , values, needs and abilities of the followers in the right and ethical ways. They need to be invested in the development of their followers by rightly serving the role of mentors and coaches taking into account the respective needs and desires within the group (Park, Heeuen Hyun jung et al., 2017). Two way communications is found to be extremely important in this type of relationship as mentioned by researchers. Often different types of followers have different types of wants and expectations form the company. While some pay importance to the certainty, some to money, some to free time, some to excitement and change and many others. It is mainly the leaders who would be aware of the differences of needs and wishes of the people and utilize this information in the right way to provide strategies and bring the best outcomes (Politis, 2015). Creativity as a trait: Creativity is one of the most important attribute of transformational leadership as it involves taking of the creative actions and ensures openness to creative enterprises by their followers. By appreciating the creative efforts of the employees, they mainly provide a strong motivational basis for their active involvement in meeting the organizational goals and ensuring the process o change (Yob et al., 2016). Team orientations as a trait: Another important attribute which is also noticed by researchers for their work is team orientation. Transformational leaders have the capability to be aware of the importance of teamwork and also be always ready to learn and the help of the others. They participate in creating new teams within along with other employees within which they make prope decisions. Thereby they solve problems successfully. They ensure functioning of teams to a level which insures complete equality (Yob et al., 2016). Appreciation of others as a trait: Appreciation of others is an important feature of transformational leaders. This helps them to demonstrate the fact which they like and appreciate. Thereby they evaluate the behaviors and opinions of their followers. These skills show the requirement for two way communication. In such a scenario, communicational plans should include the communicational channels for backward information from the followers to their leaders (Yob et al., 2016). This helps to achieve the optimal effectiveness of the organizational transformational process. Teaching ability- as a trait: A teaching ability is also important for transformational leaders. It is an attribute that helps to reflect the ability of the leader to influence people in the process of change. With effective teaching techniques, fulfillment of the transformation aims do not rest upon occasional chances and in turn remains focused on the design established in advance (shin et al., 2012). Recognition as a trait: Recognition is also identified by many researchers as an important attribute of transformational and servant leadership as this allows them to identify situations in which the employees will be praised and given recognition. Many researchers have noted employees stating that although the leaders exclaiming a job, well done to them does not cost the leaders much but makes them feel excited and encouraged which helps in dedicating more for the company (Yob et al., 2016). Idealized influence: Many researchers are of the opinion that idealized influence is an important aspect of this form of leadership which represents the ability of the leaders to build confidence of the workers in these leaders and appreciate them. When the workers have confidence in the leaders, in his motives and aims, attempt to redirect the organization towards a modified path for success do not face any resistance. It becomes easier to lead people if the leader can make them prepared to follow him. It is important for the leaders to complete their task successfully so that followers can appreciate the task and believe in their leaders (Spreitzer et al., 1995). The main reason for calling this type of leadership as the charismatic leadership as they possess characteristics which describe the extent to which leaders are capable of being the role models to their employees and at the same time display the solid moral as well as ethical principles. Servant leadership: Servant leadership is a similar form of leadership with overlapping attributes with that of the transformational leadership. Four important principles are followed by leaders of the servant leadership style that helps in developing a transparent working environment. The first principle is the goal of providing assistance to the employees. Assistance of a guide in every of the important work helps the works to develop a feeling of security where they believe that they have someone to ask for support when they are in distress. This helps in making the workers environment less stressful and reduces burden form the workers (Greenleaf, 1970). They work at a much composed and peaceful environment where the leaders shared the stress of the workers at an equal level. Secondly, it becomes also important for this kind of leaders to motivate the followers to be their usual self and be who they are on the work floor. They should be able to be the same personality about who they are on the floor and even when they are outside the work. This would help in attaining the purpose of the organization not only in the short form but also on the long form and thereby help in the improvement of the performance of the organization. The third important principle which is indeed very necessary to achieve ethical workmanship is to develop societys awareness amid the followers which is very important for achievement of the goals of the organization. The last one is the principle of developing the role and power of the followers so that they can understand the course of actions of their organizations. This helps in making the subordinate more productive as they feel respected and owned by the organization. All these result in the establishment of a successful organization (Zaccaro et al., 2012). Many of the researchers are of the opinion that cultural contexts have major effects on the application of the servant leadership styles. Servant leadership styles are more applicable in different types of societies which have low power distance as well as strong humane orientation. Impact of servant leadership in organizational success: An important aspect had been noted in research articles where researchers have concluded certain minute differences between the two leadership styles. The transformational leadership theory is very much useful in present situations where there is a necessity of the leader to promote creativity as well as innovation in his or her subordinates. This is extremely important for determining the success in the modern organization. Again, servant leaderships usually help the leaders to develop leadership traits to handle the future well not only in complex but also in uncertain business environment (Politis, 2015). Servant leaderships help in providing correct solution to the problems of improper use of power. This takes place by helping others to aim for their objectives and derive satisfaction. Researchers believe that in the future, this type of leadership can provide more stability and security in work environment. Researchers are of the opinion that adopting servant leadership would he lp the future leaders to emphasize the giving of more powers to the followers and would thereby provide more flexible workplace hierarchy. Conclusion: Transformational and servant leadership is believed by the researchers to be a path changing leadership style for the present day organizations. Transforming leadership helps in establishing a work environment among the team members where a clear vision is provided to all members of the team so that they can align with the organizations objective goals. They also help in providing courage and self motivation to the employees and these make them feel encouraged and they tend to dedicate themselves more for the team work and to increase productivity. They inspire the workers not only to develop their skills and knowledge but also to discuss their innovative ideas and creativity so that it can lead to development of high quality plan bringing success to the organizations. Knowing the people individually and the traits they posses along with the interest they have while working in the organizations, their demands and wishes all lead to job satisfaction of the employees and developed per formance of the workers. This is mainly because they feel accepted in the organization. Helping the workers to adhere to the goals and following a standard is also essential. Servant leadership mainly believes in setting visionary goals where leaders not only help employees to develop common goals and objectives but also help them by empowering them. The employees take part in decision making processes and this gives the scope to the entire team to excel. This is ideal in the future generation as these would help in handling the more competitive business world in the coming generation. References: Ansah, M. O., Chinomona, R. (2015). Enhancing Organizational Perspicacity in the Ghanaian Insurance Industry: Viewpoint of Customers on Sales and Marketing Officers. Journal of Global Business and Technology, Vol: 11(2), pp:14. Antonakis, J., Day, D. V., Schyns, B. (2012). Leadership and individual differences: At the cusp of a renaissance. Leadership Quarterly, Vol: 23(4), pp: 643650. Barbuto, J., Wheeler, D. (2006). Scale development and construct clarification of servant leadership. Group Organization Management, Vol: 31, 300326. Bourdage, J. S., Goupal, A., Neilson, T., Lukacik, E., Lee, N. (2018). 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